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teacoffeeteacoffee 8:18 Wed Dec 20
These Man City celebrations of late..
Way OTT or not? They were celebrating a QF League cup win last night as if they have the won the Champions League!

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Leonard Hatred 9:53 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
I like watching Man City because the football they play is magnificent. They're gonna dominate Europe for the next 5 years.

Anyone who's an enthusiast of association football should enjoy watching them. Except when they're BATTERING West Ham, obviously.

Sven Roeder 7:31 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
They ARE my second favourite Prem team to be honest
Seem a decent bunch and they are the only hope of stopping trophies going to Man U , Spurs and Chelsea
Which is obviously vital work equivalent to being a brain surgeon.

gph 7:31 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Can we celebrate if we win our next match, even though it's "only" a poxy relegation clash?

dicksie3 7:13 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
"They were celebrating a QF League cup win last night as if they have the won the Champions League!"

Well, I'm quite jealous of the fact that the League Cup clearly means a lot more to their club than it does to us - especially considering that they're challenging on all fronts in so many other "bigger" competitions.

Russ of the BML 3:26 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Good management. Used majority of his reserve players. Needs to keep them happy and working hard for him. What better way to show you care than by celebrating with them. Will be the first trophy of a potential quadruple so why shouldn't he be happy? I wish he was our manager celebrating getting to a semi-final like the fans do. I really struggle to see why this annoys people. Maybe if other managers showed the same passion about the League Cup it wouldn't be so derided. I mean, look at us.... Fucking shit house of a season and one little chance of something good and we throw it away. Wanker.

TheBoleynBoy 3:21 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Can't wait to one day get to a semi-final again and see tea standing there clapping politely at the thought of it, whilst walking out of the stand...what a cunt of a man you are!

geoffpikey 1:57 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
"They were celebrating a QF League cup win last night as if they have the won the Champions League!"

How would anyone know? Just asking.

Kearley 1:52 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
"If the won the shitty thing.."

Worst thread ever.

White Pony 1:48 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Hmm, yes, I can see 100% how disagreeing with you makes someone a Man City fan. How old are you, 9?

I've no love for City, just don't begrudge them celebrating a cup QF win. Seems completely fair enough to me.

I'm sure you'd much rather them strut around looking arrogant and sulky instead, like they felt they only needed to turn up to win. That would have been much better.

Fucking post-96ers everywhere these days.

claret on my shirt 1:47 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
winners have the right to celebrate, losers get upset by it, easy solution become a winner or shut the fuck up

JustAFatKevinDavies 1:45 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Ive got an urge to smash a chair in your face, assorted brews, son.

teacoffeeteacoffee 1:40 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Fair enough no-one else agrees, but I stand by what I say. It was a league cup QF ffs, a league cup QF and they're going mental on the pitch with the manager punching the air several times?...way way ott. Fuck knows what they will do if they win the shitty thing.

Seem to be a few Man City fans on here. Are they everyone's second fav team?

White Pony 12:47 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
I'm sorry but taking the piss out of Man City players for celebrating getting through to a cup semi, when our lot had just slithered out of the same competition without so much as a whimper, is fucking pathetic.

I'm sure you'd all rather they strutted round looking sulky, wearing massive headphones.

Wish it had been our players celebrating like that.

Pee Wee 11:42 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
They are playing football in a way that every fan wants their team to play, their fans must be loving every minute of it.

They're a team that haven't been particularly successful through their history including some really awful times in fairly recent history. It must be amazing to be a fan that has lived through that and is now seeing this.

It also winds up teams that I can't stand so long may it continue.

I'm hoping the success of a team playing that way will finally dispel the myth that many seem to believe that you can't play great football and win. I think their performances will see an improvement in the whole league as it puts other managers tactics to shame.

madeeasy 11:38 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
I wish we were celebrating last night like we only had one game to win before a cup final.

gph 11:36 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Man City were in the third tier less than twenty years ago, and share a town with one of the most annoying clubs in the world.

Can't blame them for celebrating every victory with gusto

El Scorchio 11:09 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Not really fussed about this but

A) I bet their fans love it

B) I like them and also hate all their rivals, who are all ticked off about them winning game after game so I’m all for it.

ted fenton 10:26 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Nice to show their fans how much it means to them rather that than a who gives a shit attitude.

One McAvennieeeeee 10:23 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Players caring about getting through to the semi finals of the cup?

Not sure that will ever catch on to be honest.

Grumpster 10:18 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
Not all of those players last night will get much game time in the league, so I imagine they're over the fucking moon at getting themselves one step from playing at the stadium most kids from any country dream of one day playing at.

And it must be bloody good being in and around a squad who keep on winning, morale must be flying.

teacoffeeteacoffee 8:55 Wed Dec 20
Re: These Man City celebrations of late..
So is the league cup a big deal or not then, clearly they think it is?

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